2020-11-18 11:13:49 +01:00

199 lines
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import psycopg2
import keyring
import logging
import re
class ConnectionFactory:
Create a class for administration of connections used in the application. The class saves a connection as a value
with its identifier as key, which is based on the given user, the given host and the given database.
def __init__(self):
self.connections_dictionary = {}
self.service_name = "Pygadmin"
def get_database_connection(self, host, user, database, port=5432, timeout=10000):
Establish a database connection based on a given host, user, database and port, which is mostly port 5432. Use a
timeout, so after this time, a query is cancelled. If there is already a connection for the specific identifier
in the connection dictionary, use the connection. If there is none, establish a new one.
# A connection identifier is used as a unique key to identify a user on a specific server and database.
connection_identifier = "{}@{}:{}/{}".format(user, host, port, database)
# Create a password identifier for recognizing the database connection in the password manager. It is not
# necessary to specify the database. So the connection identifier is split at the slash. The database follows
# after the slash, so the first item of the split is taken as password identifier.
password_identifier = connection_identifier.split("/")[0]
# If a connection identifier exists in the connection dictionary, there is not need for establishing a new
# connection.
if connection_identifier in self.connections_dictionary:
# Get the connection by its key, the connection identifier.
database_connection = self.connections_dictionary[connection_identifier]
# This elif branch is used for error handling in one specific case. If the check for a password for a user
# returns None, the user is unknown in the password manager.
elif keyring.get_password(self.service_name, password_identifier) is None:
# Set the database connection to None as a part of error handling. There can be a case differentiation
# between a database connection with the value None and the value False.
database_connection = None
logging.error("Identifier {} unknown in the password manager.".format(password_identifier))
# Use a try except statement for potential psycopg2 errors while the connection is being established.
# Use an url with the connection identifier for a connection.
postgres_url = "postgresql://{}".format(connection_identifier)
# Use an parameter for the connection with a timeout.
timeout_description = "-c statement_timeout={}".format(timeout)
# Establish a connection with the url, the password in the keyring and the timeout as option.
database_connection = psycopg2.connect(postgres_url,
# Set the autocommit option to True, so changes are immediately, once a cursor is used.
database_connection.autocommit = True
# Save the connection in the dictionary for potential later use.
self.connections_dictionary[connection_identifier] = database_connection"Connection with identifier {} established.".format(connection_identifier))
except psycopg2.OperationalError as connection_error:
# Set the database connection to False as a sign for an occurred error. Because .pgerror does not seem
# to work, this is a general error. There are approximately 61 different problems causing this error.
# A mapping is nearly impossible without the code because the error messages are translated to the
# language of the system.
database_connection = False
logging.error("Connection with database {} failed. For further information, this exception occurred: "
"{}".format(database, connection_error), exc_info=True)
# At this point, the database connection can contain a connection or a value with None or False. This makes
# error handling possible in every function and objects, which uses this factory.
return database_connection
def get_database_connection_parameters(self, database_connection):
Use a given database connection to find the related database connection parameters. If one is found, get the
database connection identifier and create a dictionary with the parameters and return it. If not, return None.
# Define a container for the results of the following statements.
database_parameter_dictionary = None
# Check every key and value pair in the dictionary, where all connections and their identifier are stored.
for stored_database_connection_identifier, stored_database_connection in self.connections_dictionary.items():
# Check if a stored connection is the given database connection.
if stored_database_connection == database_connection:
# Save the identifier of the found connection.
database_connection_identifier = stored_database_connection_identifier
# Create a list of the parameters out of the identifier. The identifier has three different characters
# for separation, @, : and /. These lead to four different elements in the resulting list.
parameter_list = [parameter.strip() for parameter in re.split("[@:/]", database_connection_identifier)]
# Save the parameters in a dictionary.
database_parameter_dictionary = {
"user": parameter_list[0],
"host": parameter_list[1],
# Cast the port to an integer for preventing weird behavior.
"port": int(parameter_list[2]),
"database": parameter_list[3]
return database_parameter_dictionary
def test_parameters_for_database_connection(self, host, user, database, password, port=5432):
Test given database connection parameters for their validity, so they can used for a valid database connection.
Check, if these parameters are already part of the dictionary and if they are, there is a valid connection. If
not, try to establish a database connection.
# Create a connection identifier for establishing a connection.
connection_identifier = "{}@{}:{}/{}".format(user, host, port, database)
# Check for the identifier in the dictionary for all connections. If the identifier is found there as a key, the
# connection is valid, because the dictionary contains all current valid connections.
if connection_identifier in self.connections_dictionary:
return True
# Try to establish a database connection.
# Create a postgres url, so not every parameters is separated as part for the connection.
postgres_url = "postgresql://{}".format(connection_identifier)
# Use the url and the password for a database connection.
psycopg2.connect(postgres_url, password=password)
# Congratulations, if this value is returned, the database connection is valid.
return True
# Use an except case, if the database connection failed.
except psycopg2.OperationalError as database_error:
# Save at least a specific error in den log.
logging.error("Test database connection for identifier {} failed with the error {}".format(
connection_identifier, database_error), exc_info=True)
return False
def close_and_remove_database_connection(self, database_connection):
Get a database connection and close this connection. Find also the corresponding identifier in the dictionary
for deleting this identifier with its connection.
# Define a variable for the connection identifier match in the dictionary. After a checkup, this variable should
# contain the connection identifier as key to the given database connection as value.
connection_identifier_match = None
# Check the dictionary with all connections with its keys and values as identifiers and connections.
for connection_identifier, saved_database_connection in self.connections_dictionary.items():
# Check for the given database in the dictionary.
if saved_database_connection == database_connection:
# Assign the connection identifier as key to the match variable.
connection_identifier_match = connection_identifier
# Check for a correct match.
if connection_identifier_match is not None:
# Close the given database connection.
# Remove the database connection from the dictionary with its identifier.
del self.connections_dictionary[connection_identifier_match]
# Save an information in the log."Connection with identifier {} closed.".format(connection_identifier_match))
# Return True for a success.
return True
def reestablish_terminated_connection(self, connection_parameters):
Get connection parameters and find the relevant database connection. Close the connection and reestablish a
database connection. Return the new connection.
# Get the database connection out of the class-wide dictionary with the connection parameters.
connection_in_dictionary = self.get_database_connection(connection_parameters["host"],
# If the connection is really a connection and not an error, proceed.
if isinstance(connection_in_dictionary, psycopg2.extensions.connection):
# Close and remove the current connection, because the connection should be reestablished. This is realized
# by a re-connect.
if self.close_and_remove_database_connection(connection_in_dictionary):
# Re-connect with the given connection parameters.
new_database_connection = self.get_database_connection(connection_parameters["host"],
# Return the fresh and new database connection.
return new_database_connection
global_connection_factory = ConnectionFactory()